Product details:
Camel Grinding Wheels Grinding WheelSize5 x 3/32 x 5/8-115"5" / 5/64"6 x 3/32 x 5/8-117"7" / 1/8"7/8"7x3/32x5/8-119" X 5/8 - 11"Online storesAboutItems are ranked based on relevance to your search terms. Some ads data is used to improve the quality of results. Google is not compensated for clicks into these results. Product information is provided by retailers and advertisers. Prices shown include applicable taxes, and shipping costs may vary. Learn more about Google Shopping.Sold byDetails & special offersItem priceTotal priceMSC Industrial SupplyOpens in a new window$134.60$161.39Item price$134.60Shipping$12.79Tax$14.00Total price$161.39Visit siteAction Industrial Supply CompanyOpens in a new window$73.67$89.10Item price$73.67Shipping$15.43Tax$0.00Total price$89.10Visit siteCompare prices from 2 stores